We are back from CFG Final
Last week, our team participated the CFG (China Fixed Gear Criterium) 2016 Final with friends Chak and Ho. The race took place at Kunshan International Exhibition Centre. A nice place with closed road and in a 1.2km course has 6 corners and a 180 U-turn.

CFG Criterium is the largest Fixed Gear race in China. After the Shenzhen qualify round and the last chance race, 6 of us into the final racing with other 50 riders from the country.
Unluckily, our chief rider, Julien was crashed by a lapped rider when he was in the 2nd place. After he withdrew the race, our riders kept going on and got a good result:
4th - James
6th - Chak, individual Hong Kong rider
7th - Kel
8th - Jimmy
11th - Boris
Here's some photos from organizer, our photos and video will be coming soon.